Posts tagged ‘smiley’

How You Will Like Your Waiting Time

You think there is no chance that you will like your waiting time?

Well, then I propose something to you to try.

I got the idea when I myself waited today in a car park but couldn’t sit in the car as I had no keys.

There is nothing I can do.”, “Wasted time..”, “Time is money. Hurry up!”

So, next time these thoughts come up USE your time and SMILE. Yeah, it is that easy. And the best is that you don’t need anything. Just smile! Big and bigger! May you want to laugh. Then just laugh!

You don’t need a reason for a laugh just the good feeling that araises is a very good reason.

Smile and laugh! And you will pass a wonderful (waiting) time!

Keep your smile,

Mira =)

P. S.: If you are in a place where many people have to wait like in a waiting room. Why not to leave a little not with a smiley or the magic five letter word SMILE?

I am sure the reader of your note will love it. That is it worth, isn’t it? And it gives you some busy time during the waiting period ; )

June 27, 2008 at 9:26 pm Leave a comment


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